Curriculum Vitae

Laura Aiko Michiko Shintani

Development and Directions: 

Laura Shintani is a Japanese Canadian whose work is a hybrid of creativity, study and pedagogy. Shintani is a multimedia artist. She is interested in seeing people embrace the cycle of creativity – playing, problem-solving, and reflecting. She hopes audiences might be inspired to artistic expression and make a difference. No topic is taboo. Shintani encourages others to follow ideas that garner goodwill. Her art practice reinforces and reveals compassion for themes such as heritage reclamation, inclusion, neurodiversity and mental health.


Master of Fine Arts, University of Windsor [2012]
Advanced Studio Mentorship, International Canadian Artist Iain Baxter&, O.C., D. Litt., B.Sc., M.F.A., R.C.A. Professor Emeritus.

University of Windsor [2003-2012]
Advanced Studio Mentorship, International Canadian Artist Noel Harding, Green Corridor Project: [2004]

University of Toronto, Honours Baccalaureate of Arts, Specialist Program in Semiotics and Communication Theory, Major Program in Linguistic and Semiotic Anthropology [2000]

Ryerson University, Toronto, School of Fashion Design and Merchandising [toward a Baccalaureate of Applied Arts, study in 1990-92]

Present curated work: 

- Atrium Project, Westpark Healthcare Centre, for new build. Direct and create large-scale wall art for long-term care and rehabilitation for West Park Community, Toronto [2024-]

-Seymour @ S.N.U.G. Small New Universes Gallery (a video and sculpture installation within a multi-verse of galleries in a gallery), Tangled Arts + Disabilities Gallery, Toronto [2023] 

-Mottainai, group show, Japanese Canadian Culture Centre Gallery, Toronto [2024]

Present curatorial work in progress: 

- Our Nobby: An Homage to Nobuo Kubota, Shintani Gallery, Toronto [2024] 

Juried and Curated Past Work: 

- Iceolation, a commissioned work by curator Jacqueline Kok, “To Speak Without Speaking” for Being Scene’s 20th Anniversary [2021] 

- Neuroelastic, an interactive photographic installation for the Rendezvous With Madness Festival, 28th annual international group show, Toronto [2020]

- Noh Town, a juried photography group show, Toronto. Photoworks a series of five photos, screenshots of noteworthy Japanese Canadian locations, these covered in a noren (store entrance curtain) made with window screening. Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre, Toronto [2019] 

- Bodywashi! An invited installation as part of a two-person show Faultlines a featured presentation for the 2019 Scotiabank Contact Photography Festival. Tangled Arts + Disabilities at 401 Richmond, Toronto. Wide media coverage. [2019]

- Google Jelly, A curator invited wearable technology work, The Textile Museum of Canada, Toronto. [2019]

- Memories of an Ido. An installation for a two-person show, Redefining Home: A Story of Japanese Canadian Resettlement in Toronto. Campbell House Museum, Toronto. Wide media coverage. [2019]

- Emissaries of Mission ’42 – a ‘meta-conversation’ with “emissaries” placed in geographically significant locations related to the Japanese Canadian internment of 1942. emissarymission42 at Being Japanese Canadian: Reflections on a Broken World the Royal Ontario Museum, Canada Wing, Toronto. [2019] - wide global media coverage.

- Artsu Matsuri, group show, Japanese Canadian Culture Centre [2018]

- Untitled, photography for Being Scene, Annual Juried Exhibition, Gladstone Hotel
[2018], Toronto Media Arts Centre, Toronto. [2019], [2020]

- You and Me -- in partnership, a 7’ foot bronze work of two Windsor chairs placed on historic granite pavers. For the occasion of the 2013 International Children’s Games and the sister cities of the City of Windsor, Windsor. Wide media coverage. [2021]

- An Exhibition of Works by Nikkei Artists, Emma Nishimura, Hitoko Okada, Laura Shintani, Naomi Yasui, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre Gallery, Toronto. [2015]

- Nine, University of Windsor alumni exhibit, Artcite, Windsor, Ontario [2015]

- Compression Decompression, Windsor Biennial, juried exhibition, Art Gallery of Windsor. catalogue p.36 [2011]

- Dreaming Canada, 9th Changchun Sculpture Symposium, Changchun, China, bronze 3m, 2 figures: beaver and infant [2008] 

Other Works: 

- Invited to present, Silverlinings, Calm Room for CAMH Women’s Unit, Toronto [2018] - For Chris Hadfield, a painting in memory of Cecil Houston [2017]

- Finalist, For Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, entrant for Phase 1C in the Category of major stand-alone permanent artwork, Toronto [2017]

- Painting for a gala event for Montage a not-for-profit organization for persons with Developmental Disabilities [2017]

- Where the Sea Once Stood, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario [2015] 

- Google Volterra, Volterra Italy [2014]

- Compression Decompression, MFA defense, Mackenzie Hall Cultural Centre, Windsor. [2012] 

- a film with Iain Baxter&, Art Gallery of Windsor. [2012] 

Grants, Awards, Honours, Art Jury member: 

- Staging Change artist consultant to a multi-month individual gallery revisioning with an intensive week long cross-artistic discipline/institutions collaborative concept visioning as led by the Metcalf Foundation [2021-2022]

- Jury member, Ontario Arts Council, Deaf and Disabilities Arts Projects Grant [2019, 2020]

- Norman and Marsha Paul Family Trust, $1000 [for years 2018, 2019, 2020]

- Recipient, Pamela Gibson Micro Grant, Workman Arts CAMH, $300 [2018]

- Recipient, Ontario Arts Council, Access and Career Development Program, $10,000 [2013]

- Jury member, Ontario Arts Council, Access and Career Development Program, [2014]

- Victoria College, University of Toronto, research and assistance in the Program in Semiotics, Graduate Tier 1, received while as an undergraduate [1998-2000]

- Woodsworth College, University of Toronto, travel grant and for delivery of original paper at the International Summer Institute for Semiotic and Structural Studies in Imatra, Finland. [1999] - Woodsworth College, Book box Award, University of Toronto [1999] 

Media Coverage and Experience: 

- Fault Lines, Multiple channels of media coverage [2019]

- Redefining Home: A Story of Japanese Re-Settlement in Toronto, Multiple and wide channels of media coverage [2019]

- Being Japanese Canadian: Reflections on a Broken World, Multiple and wide channels of global media coverage [2019]

- You and Me Sculpture Project, Multiple channels of media coverage for the City of Windsor [2013-present]

- Changchun Sculpture Competition, from the City of Windsor also in China, Multiple channels of media coverage for [July 2008] 

Work, Teaching and Volunteer Experience: 

- Teaching, Art Cart, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health [2018-present]

- Guest Critic and Project Promotion, Green Corridor, Instructor Dorian Moore, University of Windsor [Summer 2013]

- Teaching, graduate assistant, Drawing 3rd year with Iain Baxter&, University of Windsor [Fall 2010]

- Teaching, graduate assistant, Contemporary Visual Culture, University of Windsor [Winter 2010]

- Teaching, graduate assistant, Green Corridor, collaborative and interactive practice with Noel Harding and Rod Strickland, University of Windsor [Winter 2009]

- Teaching and Administrative Assistant, Communication Culture and Information Technology, University of Toronto at Mississauga [2000-02]

- Teaching, Semiotics and Communication Theory, University of Toronto, Victoria College [1998-99]

- Research Assistant and Unit Manager for Semiotics Research Unit, and the Collaborative Graduate Program in Semiotics [1996-2000]

- Photographic Research and Editor’s Assistant, Royal Ontario Museum, Ethnology Department, Dr. Grant McCracken’s “Big Hair” Penguin Books Canada [1994]

- Consultant, ABM (Attitudes, Behaviour, Motivation), Market Research, Toronto. [1998-2000]

- Textile Volunteer, Textile Department, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto. [1994-96]

- Administrative Assistant, Design Exchange, Toronto [1993-94]

- Retail sales, Laura Ashley, Toronto, Ontario [1994-96]

- Historical Interpreter/Costume Mistress Volunteer, The Grange House, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto. [1993]

- Dressmaker, Malabar Costumes, Toronto. noteworthy: La Traviata [1991]


- Ballet, National Ballet School of Canada [present]
- Horse riding, Community Association for Riders with Disabilities (C.A.R.D.) [present]